
ICYMI: Top three takeaways from the first of orthobrain’s new Empowerment Series

orthobrain Empowerment Series
orthobrain In Case You Missed It: A Toast to the New Year

During the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of women entering dentistry.  According to the ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI) analysis published last year, 34.5% of dentists in the US are female as of 2020, compared to just 24.1% in 2010.

Additionally, 50.6% of new dental grads are female as of 2019, compared to 46% in 2009.

The future is female, and it helps to hear from other strong female leaders in the dental industry about their tips for success.

In the first installment of orthobrain®’s new empowerment series, where we host authentic and informative conversations to empower doctors and dental professionals to excel in the industry, we talked to three seasoned female dental professionals:  Dr. Laura Lawrence, a general dentist practicing in Ohio, Dr. Carolyn Lubrano, a pediatric dentist practicing in Massachusetts, and Dr. Lauren Dull, a general dentist practicing in Ohio, about ways to stand out, grow your business, and excel as a female practitioner.

Here are their top three takeaways on dental practice growth and how to succeed in the industry.
1. Develop a Niche

As a new dentist, especially a new female dentist, it can be hard to establish yourself — particularly if you are joining a practice with more seasoned dentists. One way to stand out and get referrals from other dentists and patients is to find a niche. One way to do that: follow your curiosity.

Dr. Lawrence, for instance, was very interested in preventative dentistry: focusing on helping patients avoid cavities, not just treating them. She delved into research and became the go-to wellness expert on the subject of prevention in her office, which helped both her confidence and her dental practice grow.

Similarly, Dr. Lubrano, who holds a master’s degree in public health, became very interested in lip tie pediatric laser surgery when she saw how frustrated new mothers were getting, when their infants’ lip ties prevented them from being able to latch and breastfeed easily. Many other doctors and dentists were not addressing the issue at the time. So she sought out extra training in lip tie release and now the service makes up a significant part of her practice. Her advice to other young practitioners: “Don’t be afraid to go outside the line.”

2. Take advantage of the digital revolution in dentistry.

One way to see faster growth in your practice is to invest in tele-education and AI-powered imaging technology. “The new technology can make life easier and faster,” says Dr. Dull, who had access to top-tier imaging software when she was working with the Air Force.

Not only can new AI powered software help you make sense of data quickly and efficiently, it’s also less painful for your clients. Ever since Dr. Lawrence’ s practice invested in intraoral scanners, for instance, they’ve seen faster turnover times in chairs. And Dr. Lubrano started seeing less tears from her young patients when she started integrating intraoral scanners, as well. “My patients are more compliant. It’s just a wand that I’m putting over their teeth. Parents are wowed by it,” Dr. Lubrano says.

And taking advantage of teledentistry and tele-education is a great way to grow your practice, as well.  Services like orthobrain®, which use a groundbreaking technology platform to put a virtual orthodontist beside every dental chair, ensures that you never have to feel alone, while adapting new skills and growing your practice. As Dr. Dull says: In order to grow as a practitioner, you “need to be open to learning as much as you can.”

3. Find mentors in different places.

To work through issues and receive advice on advancement, nothing beats having a peer or advisor to turn to. Mentors can be found in all sorts of places. Dr. Dull, for instance, joined her local dental society in order to access a network of peers, while Dr. Lubrano counts her former high school music teacher as one of her strongest mentors. And Dr. Lawrence, for her part, says it was her college chemistry professor who offered her the most impactful lesson of her young adult life when she was deciding whether or not to take a non-dental related internship in Alaska. “She said if you are offered a golden egg, you should take it,” Dr. Lawrence recalls. Looking for that next golden egg has since become a mantra of Dr. Lawrence’s practice.

So how do you find a mentor? “Anyone can be one,” Dr. Lubrano says. You just need to know what sort of advice you’re looking for, and then reach out. The most successful dentists find mentors in all sorts of different places. “It’s just about taking advantage of the people around you and growing your network as much as you can,” explains Dr. Lubrano.

Press Release


Cleveland Inno, a division of Cleveland Business Journal, lists orthobrain as one of 14 up-and-coming companies to 'keep an eye on'

Cleveland, OH, January 20, 2022 orthobrain® – an Ohio-based orthodontic growth company with a total solution that makes integrating orthodontics into dental practices easy and profitable, has been identified as a Startup to Watch in Greater Cleveland. The list, identified by Cleveland Inno, features startups across a spectrum of industries, from fintech to baby tech and from medicine to education.

As one of 14 companies spotlighted, orthobrain® was seen as a start-up that has established solid traction with fresh capital raises, revenue growth or innovative solutions to novel problems.

“orthobrain® is grateful for this recognition,” said Kimberly Harrington, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer. “It reinforces our dedication, expertise and unwavering commitment to excelling and transforming the dental industry.”

orthobrain® was created to fulfill an unmet demand for orthodontics and help dentists to easily integrate orthodontics into their practices. The company offers a proven growth system for dentists and DSOs that combines digital technology, proprietary AI and learning systems with the expertise of orthodontists.

The orthobrain® team is helmed by seasoned veterans who understand the needs of the industry and have a clear roadmap to meeting the demand for orthodontics.

To learn more about orthobrain, visit, and to read the full list of Startups to Watch in 2022, click here.

About orthobrain®


orthobrain®, founded by Dr. Dan German, was established with the goal of providing orthodontic options to dentists looking to offer orthodontic services to patients. orthobrain®  is a proven dental practice growth system that makes integrating orthodontics easy and profitable with a total solution that combines digital technology, proprietary AI and learning systems with the expertise of orthodontists. Today, orthobrain® makes orthodontic care – and beautiful smiles – available to patients everywhere at a scale never before possible. Visit for more information.           


Understanding patient desires and behaviors is key to dental practice success

orthobrain Blog Dental Practice Success
By Tammy Staiger, RDH BS

In my twenty-five plus years the industry, I’ve had thousands of conversations with patients about their teeth and oral care concerns. These discussions have given me thorough insight into today’s dental consumers and how we, as dental professionals and team members, can craft the best user experience for our patients. Crafting great patient experiences is crucial to dental practice success. This perspective helps frame the curriculum I create at orthobrain® for dentists and their teams. Our education program is highly focused on topics like: powerful communication and how to identify and educate patients on the effects of malocclusion.

When patients feel listened to and understood, a level of trust is created. This relationship is crucial if you want your patients to take your advice, follow directions or accept treatment. 

Based on my curriculum development experience and my conversations with patients in the hygiene chair, here are the top three patient considerations when presented with orthodontic treatment solutions. 

1. Their time is valuable. 

Patients want a one-stop shop for all dental appointments, whether it is routine cleanings, restorative care, or orthodontic treatment. It takes time to research and schedule consults with new practitioners to fix an overbite or whiten teeth. Instead of spending their lunch break driving from office to office to find a doctor they trust, some patients would prefer to simply not smile in pictures. General dentists have the perfect opportunity to meet patients’ needs for quality care and convenience by offering comprehensive dentistry to treat preventive, restorative, and orthodontic concerns. 

2. Drawbacks can’t outweigh rewards. 

Patients want beautiful teeth, but they don’t want the solution to affect their daily lives. While they don’t want gaps in their teeth, they also don’t want orthodontics to interfere with how they talk, look, or are perceived by others. Most patients don’t know much about invisible orthodontic solutions, so they don’t think to ask practitioners about lingual braces or clear aligners. Educating patients is an important part of the standard of care. As a dental healthcare provider, you will often be the first line of defense and education for malocclusion. Being able to educate the patient in the chair and then offer an in-house solution, like clear aligner therapy, meets the patient’s desire for discreet treatment and convenience.

When patients get the ortho care they need from a dentist they already trust, it benefits their health, their relationships, and their self-image. It also contributes to the success of your practice through referrals and increased profitability.

3. There’s comfort with familiarity. 

I find that patients are more likely to undergo treatment when it is provided by their own dentist. When patients are lying in a dental chair with instruments in their mouth, they feel vulnerable. According to the Journal of the American Dental Association, some studies suggest that as many as 75% of adults in the United States experience some amount of anxiety about going to a dental office. Patients would rather put off necessary dental treatment than go to an orthodontist they have never met. Many tell me they’d be more likely to undergo orthodontic treatment if they could do it with their own practitioner. 

Listen, Build Trust, Transform Lives

By listening to patients and understanding these common considerations, you can establish a stronger bond and level of trust. This gives you the opportunity to provide the comprehensive care they want and need. When patients get the ortho care they need from a dentist they already trust, it benefits their health, their relationships, and their self-image. It also contributes to the success of your practice through referrals and increased profitability.

Effectively communicating the advantages of orthodontic services to patients is invaluable! At orthobrain®, we empower dentists to successfully and profitably incorporate orthodontics into their practices. We focus on effective education and communication techniques and offer comprehensive case management by an Orthodontist. We know that dentists and their team members are the key to expanding access to happy and healthy smiles to more patients. We’re here to support them in this endeavor. 

About Tammy Staiger, RDH BS

As Senior Education Developer at orthobrain® and as a dental hygienist, one of my clinical roles is to educate patients on the effects proper tooth alignment has on good oral health. I am blessed to travel internationally and speak publicly not only about tooth alignment, but also on team building and the importance of communication for multiple companies, including Align Technology‘s Invisalign®. I believe when you bring compassion and connection to patients, they are more likely to listen to what you tell them.

Become an orthobrain® Dentist

Confidently deliver orthodontics to your patients.

Invisalign® is a registered a registered trademark of Alilgn Technology, Inc.


Three Things for Women Leaders to Keep in Mind

Kimberly Harrington Blog Women Leaders
As seen on, here.
By Kimberly Harrington
Published on November 7, 2021

As a woman entering the workforce for, perhaps, the first time, it’s likely you will be peppered with advice from everyone — your professors, your parents, the motivational speaker on Instagram. 

It can be hard to sift through these words of wisdom to determine what advice is truly worth taking.

Currently, I sit as the executive vice president, chief commercial officer of orthobrain®, a company dedicated to empowering dentists to provide orthodontic care and drive growth within their practices.

In my years working for global organizations to develop growth systems for orthodontic business solutions, I’ve learned what really works — not only from a business profitability standpoint, but also culture and people development. I make it a point to pass along these pearls to my lead team and to the women I mentor.

 Here are the three things I always keep in mind.

1. The company you keep is key.

One of the most important things to consider when looking into potential employers is whether their values match yours. If you want to grow in your career, you need to join an organization that will allow (and encourage) you to flourish.

When people who are invested in you, and are willing to give you the time, space and feedback to advance, the result can be powerful for both career advancement and ensuring you feel valued in your role.

Since joining orthobrain®, I’ve built a core leadership team, and they in turn have built their own teams. Our employees thrive, in part, because they know I trust and support them. And we all benefit, because they feel empowered to bring forth new ideas. 

Building a positive culture and environment where every employee feels like they are a part of something great is the core of our business.


You don’t need a megaphone to have your voice heard, but as a female executive, I do encourage you to find your voice and use it often.

Kimberly Harrington,
Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer
2. Network, network, network

It’s crucial. Networking increases your visibility with other leaders and gives you insights into industry trends. Look for forums that foster that connection. 


For me, specifically, I’m a member of Women in DSO, as well as Chief, a private membership network focused on connecting and supporting female executive leaders. At Chief, I get the chance to network with female executives from a multitude of different industries, which is important.
 Sometimes we tend to only look to people in our own field for advice. But you can gain invaluable tips on universal things — like marketing and effective communication — from executives in other industries.


3. Speak up, in creative ways.


You don’t need a megaphone to have your voice heard, but as a female executive, I do encourage you to find your voice and use it often.


It’s not always the loudest voice that is remembered. Sometimes, the best way to make a point is to find effective, creative ways to communicate your message. Part of my routine, for instance, is sending out a team video message every Friday where I recap the week, share key company updates, and recognize teams and individuals for their successes.


If you don’t speak up, bosses may not have visibility on your accomplishments or points of view. I am consistently encouraging colleagues to share with me — shoot me an email or leave a voicemail with news that deserves attention.


When someone in the company does something great — secures a new client, has a fruitful conversation — it helps raise morale across the company. Your wins are wins for the whole company.


Top 3 Questions Dentists Have About Integrating orthobrain® Into Their Practice with Answers by Dr. German

Dr. Dan German Lecturing integrating orthodontics into general dental practice orthobrain

At orthobrain®, we’ve received a lot of questions from dentists about integrating our orthodontics into their practice.

Here are three of the top questions – with answers provided from orthobrain’s founder and chief orthodontist, Dr. Dan German. If you have other questions, please reach out to us at

1. Am I qualified to provide orthodontic work?

In every state, general practitioners are permitted to deliver orthodontics. In fact, around the globe, more orthodontic treatments are done by general practitioners than by orthodontists.

Though every dentist has the ability to provide orthodontic work, to truly excel and provide optimal outcomes to your patients, we believe you need additional education, collaboration, and support — the type orthobrain provides.

With orthobrain, you are not providing orthodontic work by yourself, and you are never alone. The orthobrain team, made up of expert orthodontists with decades of experience, delivers the assessments and treatment plans for your patients. You will simply deliver the orthodontics, allowing you to spend more time with your patients and bring profitability to your practice. 

In every patient case, the orthobrain team closely examines the patient data, X-rays, and photos you provide to determine if the case can be successfully treated in your dental practice or needs to be referred out. Our interest, like yours, lies in providing the best possible care for patients.

orthobrain® is with you every step of the way, dedicated to providing the advice and coaching for practice growth and success. We are the orthodontist in your pocket!

2. What’s the difference between using orthobrain vs. signing up with a clear aligner provider?

Incorporating orthobrain is different than just integrating orthodontics. If you sign up with a clear aligner vendor, for instance, you will often have limited guidance on how to identify and determine which patients are good candidates for orthodontic treatment – this is a crucial first step. You and your team are at risk to be left to figure out all of the workflows and schedules by yourself. Which can quickly become overwhelming and time-consuming.

orthobrain, by contrast, combines digital technology, learning systems, and the expertise of orthodontists into a total solution that delivers a comprehensive playbook, increases patient acquisition, and improves outcomes and digital workflow integration. orthobrain is with you every step of the way, dedicated to providing the advice and coaching for practice growth and success. We are the orthodontist in your pocket!

3. How soon, after joining orthobrain, can I start integrating orthodontics?

One of the beautiful things about orthobrain is you can start the same day. By joining orthobrain, the platform automatically gives you exposure to educational videos, so you can start learning as soon as you register. We will coach you on obtaining and submitting ideal patient photos and X-rays, which can all be done as soon as you’re ready.

Our team is always available to answer questions. One of the great things about orthobrain is that we have clients all around the globe, so we’re available to answer questions across multiple time zones.

Of course, the best way to learn is by doing. At orthobrain, we are here to walk with you through the process. Like you, we know there is nothing more rewarding than seeing someone previously plagued with an imperfect, unhealthy smile suddenly light up with confidence.

Become an orthobrain® Dentist

Confidently deliver orthodontics to your patients.

3 reasons why orthobrain® will single handedly increase revenue at your practice

From acquisition to patient retention, you’ll have something to smile about.

As a dental professional, your practice is a labor of love and hard work. It’s an accumulation of years of schooling, long hours, financial planning, strong projections and growth opportunities.

Growing a practice is challenging. You have to be a salesperson, a marketer, an office administrator, all while confidently treating your patients. 

At orthobrain, we believe growing a practice is better done with professionals by your side.

Our business is about empowering the confidence of the human smile. And with 66 percent of the total population in need of orthodontic treatment, there is a high demand for people to do the work. 

That’s where dental practices like yours can prosper with orthobrain’s help.

Here are 3 ways orthobrain can increase revenue at your practice.

  1. Help with patient acquisition.

It starts with having the confidence that you can acquire patients with services you haven’t previously offered. orthobrain makes it easy to integrate orthodontics into your dental practice by providing a total solution – education and guidance every step of the way – to grow your practice and capabilities.

We have hands-on seminars and online trainings so that you gain the knowledge and have the clinical confidence to discuss and perform the procedures.

And when those patients are acquired, it’s simple: you complete an initial patient assessment that gives orthobrain a look at what your patient needs. We’ll help you understand what the next steps are – including a comprehensive report detailing a treatment plan, costs and requirements.

We support you with concierge services throughout the entire patient journey – from acquisition to treatment and beyond.

  • Optimize your treatments.

Efficiency is key to a practice. You want to find the little advantages that can make a big impact in your revenue, increase the number of patients you can see, and in the procedures themselves. 

How can you produce a better experience for your patients without sacrificing the uniqueness of your practice? There will be opportunities for us to evaluate your process and discuss how integrating orthodontics into your practice isn’t an additional step, but a new opportunity that falls in line with your current ways of working.

  • Cosmetic opportunities await.

You have the confidence to acquire new business, you’ve been performing orthodontics seamlessly into your practice and now a patient has the smile they have always dreamed of. Patients are invested in their look and will want to keep their look looking its best. You can offer whitening, smoothing, and other cosmetic services to them. You now have a loyal patient who will support your dental services, share their experience, and trust you to provide them with services that keep their smile healthy and aesthetically pleasing.

You’ve helped them get to where they want to be with their smile, and they’re counting on you to keep it that way – what an opportunity to have long-term patients who believe in you.


orthobrain® Clear Aligner Business Growth Seminar


The Best and Brightest (Smiles)

Having rapid growth through top talent and leading culture.

As executive vice president and chief commercial officer at orthobrain™, I am always thinking about how to grow the brand, our offerings and our team.  When I network with peers and we talk about team building and acquiring talent, we generally ask one another the same question, “what are you looking for in your team?”

After what I am seeing day in and day out at orthobrain, my answer is simple: we look for the best and brightest – both in work ethic, talent, and personality.

Things are busy. The orthobrain team wears many hats, answers hundreds of emails between back-to-back-to-back meetings, and is constantly strategizing on how to positively impact every patient that walks through a dentist’s doors.

When you’re providing orthodontic options to dentists globally – and delivering education that gives them the clinical confidence to provide orthodontic services at their own practices —you need to be prepared to roll up some sleeves and get the job done with a smile on your face and a collective goal in mind – growing the business and the business of your clients.

At orthobrain, we have high expectations in ourselves, because we believe in growth. Growth in dental practices around the globe. Growth in confidence – both in dentists and their patients. Growth in the strong partnerships we develop. And growth in our very own orthobrain team. 

And our growth is a result of our three core values:

  • Support – Be in service to others.
  • Collaboration – Outcomes are always better in a partnership.
  • Impact – We know how important a perfect, healthy smile is in people’s lives and we’re driven to deliver it

As I reflect upon those three values, I think some of my colleagues – who have recently spoken about our values and incorporate them in the work they do daily – say it best:  


  1. Dr. Zack Lawrence, Director of Clinical Orthodontics. As a digital orthodontics specialist, Zack lives and breathes support. He says, “Exposure to orthobrain’s positive environment has provided a great example of how a team can climb and achieve greater accomplishments when everyone has mutual core values and is striving towards a common goal. As I build my dental team to care for my patients I strive to add new team members that embody those same core values. As ortho-dentists we have the ability to change lives with the treatments we provide. It’s important to surround yourself with team members that recognize that as well. 
  2. Tammy Staiger, Senior Education Developer said, “I love having the support and collaboration from my team as we develop quality programming for doctors and team members. By meeting regularly, sharing resources, and brainstorming ideas, we are able to create successful programs to impact our partnering doctors, teams, and the patients they serve. One of my greatest desires is to make a positive and lasting impact on those around me. As the Senior Education Developer, I believe creating quality programs will in turn influence dental teams to make a positive impact on their patients.

As our business continues to grow, we’ll be looking to add the best and brightest, also looking to revolutionize the orthodontic industry while reinvigorating dental practices around the globe.

Press Release


Two orthobrain executives to help empower women in dentistry through mentorship, empowerment, and networking opportunities.


Cleveland, OH, August 27, 2021 orthobrain® – an Ohio-based, dental practice growth system with a total solution that makes integrating orthodontics easy and profitable, has announced its industry partnership with Women in DSO, the official nonprofit organization supporting the empowerment and growth of women leaders in Dental Service Organizations (DSO’s).  

Kimberly Harrington, orthobrain Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer, will serve as a board member while Kate Groenhagen, orthobrain Vice President of Business Development, will be leading committees for the organization.

“What Women in DSO is doing to create an amazing platform to grow and empower women leaders in the DSO space is something orthobrain is proud to support. It is a mission I feel passionate about both personally and professionally. I’m honored to sit on the board,” said Kimberly Harrington. “I have experiences to share and a leadership understanding that is unique to the DSO arena. I see this as an opportunity to inspire other women leaders who have that same passion and drive.” 

As part of their goal to help improve the footprint of women in the industry, orthobrain will proudly contribute to the Women in DSO® platform created to deliver professional mentorship, specialized education, and a rich resource network developed exclusively to recognize women leaders of the present, and develop the future women leaders in dental service organizations.

“Right now, 70% of people studying orthodontics in college are female,” says Kate Groenhagen. “We, as women leaders in this industry, have an opportunity to inspire through our experiences and collective determination. I look forward to helping Women in DSO and sharing a voice with a group of powerful, intelligent and motivated females.” 

About orthobrain®

Orthobrain®, founded by Dr. Dan German, was established with the goal of providing orthodontic options to dentists looking to offer orthodontic services to patients. orthobrain®  is a proven dental practice growth system that makes integrating orthodontics easy and profitable with a total solution that combines digital technology, proprietary AI and learning systems with the expertise of orthodontists. Today, orthobrain® makes orthodontic care – and beautiful smiles – available to patients everywhere at a scale never before possible. Visit for more information. 

About Women in DSO®️ 
Founded with the passionate mission to highlight and support contributions of women in Dental Support Organizations, this nonprofit organization was created in 2020 to provide a platform to advance women leadership via empowered networking, mentorship, and progressive programs highlighting, strengthening, and supporting contributions of the many bright women leaders in DSO. Learn more about membership at Media Contacts Amy Mendoza Leonor Women in DSO®


The orthobrain way: How orthobrain produces growth opportunities for dentists.


How orthobrain produces growth opportunities for dentists.

At orthobrain®, our goal is simple – to provide dental practice growth to our dentists, all while empowering the confidence of the human smile.

So, why in an industry that strives on delivering smiles, are there too few orthodontists to meet the demand for delivering beautiful smiles?

That’s the issue orthobrain is solving. There is a gap between need and solution in the orthodontics industry that can be fixed with the help of digital workflows and dentists.

For dentists who want to build the lifestyle and the practice of their dreams, increase their profits, and improve patient outcomes, orthobrain is the proven dental practice growth system that makes integrating orthodontics easy and profitable, because only orthobrain combines digital technology, learning systems and the expertise of orthodontists into a total solution that delivers a comprehensive playbook, increases patient acquisition and improves outcomes and digital workflow integration.

How does it work?

So, you’re a dentist. Your patient needs orthodontic treatment: say aligner setups or ready-to-bond braces trays. You ask yourself: Do I refer my patient to a specialist or can I treat them myself? With orthobrain’s total solution Perfect Patient Selection, the guessing game is gone. It’s simple: you submit the initial patient assessment, including the patient’s history, photographs, x-rays and treatment goals.

With this info, orthobrain’s expert team of orthodontists puts together a comprehensive report including treatment options, estimated time, and predictability. You’ll know if the patient can be predictably treated by you. And if you can treat them, orthobrain delivers a step-by-step treatment plan and continues to support you with its ongoing concierge service.

Additionally, orthobrain offers hands-on, in-person seminars and online trainings. The hands-on seminar is one day of clinical and practice-building skills. The seminar gives a breakdown of the treatment of patients, and the profit opportunities and continued practice growth you can expect.

The outcome:

Orthobrain makes orthodontic care – and beautiful smiles – available to patients everywhere at a scale never before possible. 

By using orthobrain’s services – from acquisition through treatment – you will gain confidence in orthodontic procedures that results in growth, both in clinical accomplishments and practice scale, allowing you to shape your lifestyle the way you want. 

Most patients prefer to receive care from a professional they already know and trust. And with the ability to say yes to more cases, you’ll be able to serve them more effectively. Through the orthobrain total solution, orthodontists and dentists are able to work together to share expertise and to increase patient acquisition and improve outcomes and digital workflow integration, bringing more smiles and better health to more patients.

Perhaps best of all: You will have the assurance of knowing that a team of experienced orthodontists are behind you. And that should make your patients smile.

Copyright © 2022 orthobrain®. All rights reserved

Seminar Dates

September 10-12th, 2020

more dates coming soon!

All dates in Cleveland, Ohio at Dental Ceramics, Inc.

Schedule an orthobrain® demo and start growing your practice.