Press Release


As a start-up in the orthodontics industry, orthobrain® continues to make a veteran presence in its achievements. The most recent accolade is being recognized as the Most Accessible Orthodontic Care Provider – Ohio by GHP Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2021. 

The award was judged on merits centered around an extensive evaluation of skills and services offered to customers. Through dedication and expertise to the industry, and an unwavering commitment to excelling in the field, orthobrain® was awarded the commendation which will be highlighted in the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2021 magazine, a digital publication distributed around the world to over 260,000 healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals.

About orthobrain®

Orthobrain®, founded by Dr. Dan German, was established with the goal of providing orthodontic options to dentists looking to offer orthodontic services to patients. orthobrain® is a proven orthodontic growth system leveraging digital technology and to bring orthodontic expertise to any dental practice anywhere – easily and profitably.  Today, orthobrain makes orthodontic care – and beautiful smiles –  available to patients everywhere at a scale never before possible. Visit for more information.

Press Release


Cleveland, OH, August 19, 2021 orthobrain® – an Ohio-based, dental practice growth system with a total solution that makes integrating orthodontics easy and profitable, has partnered with eXceed, a provider of in-office aligner solutions, to provide a holistic set of education and product offerings to the orthodontic industry. The collaboration combines the advantages of both companies into a one-stop opportunity to receive better aligner accessibility while learning how to grow practices.

Both companies bring to the table a very specific skill set,” said Nir Danai, co-founder of eXceed. “We complement each other. Together, we provide the full spectrum for dentists in terms of manufacturing high-quality aligners in-house and then, the best methods to establish aligners as a major revenue-generator for the office. We are sharing confidence-building education, providing products for patients to consider and GPs to offer, and we’re establishing long-term strategy to build future growth for practices.”

“We’re doing something that hasn’t been done effectively yet in this industry – a partnership that allows dentists to operate more efficiently with a highly-profitable procedure that can become a profit center for them,” said Dr. Dan German, founder of orthobrain®. “What eXceed does falls right in line with our orthodontics simplified mindset at orthobrain®. We share a common vision in providing opportunities for dentists and their patients. We’re joining forces and utilizing one another’s proficiency in this field.”

With aligners’ business growth being one of the focal points for the partnership, the two companies have announced a series of webinars – eXceed Business Growth Seminar, powered by orthobrain®. Hosted by orthobrain’s Keith Nicholson DDS MS, the sessions will cover key aspects and best practices for successfully offering aligners in the dental office. The first of six webinars kick off on September 16 on Webinar Jam.

“From growing business with existing patients to gaining new ones to creating winning teams and reducing turnover, we want these seminars to be a catalyst for what this collaboration can be for our customers, prospects, and their patients,” Danai said.

With access to in-office aligners through eXceed’s portal, and practice growth and GP development strengths of orthobrain®, the partnership will build momentum throughout the industry while giving the confidence to GP’s to offer services that can improve lives of every patient who comes in for an appointment.

 About orthobrain®

Orthobrain®, founded by Dr. Dan German, was established with the goal of providing orthodontic options to dentists looking to offer orthodontic services to patients. orthobrain®  is a proven dental practice growth system that makes integrating orthodontics easy and profitable with a total solution that combines digital technology, proprietary AI and learning systems with the expertise of orthodontists. Today, orthobrain® makes orthodontic care – and beautiful smiles –  available to patients everywhere at a scale never before possible. Visit for more information.  

About eXceed

With more than 25 cumulative years of relevant experience, eXceed’s management brings a fresh new perspective to digital orthodontics. Headquartered in Witten, Germany, eXceed operates software, production, and materials R&D teams to ensure its proprietary solutions and processes remain at the forefront of dental high technology. From the planning stage to revisions and refinements, eXceed makes aligners manufacturing and usage simpler and user-friendly than ever.

Copyright © 2022 orthobrain®. All rights reserved

Seminar Dates

September 10-12th, 2020

more dates coming soon!

All dates in Cleveland, Ohio at Dental Ceramics, Inc.

Schedule an orthobrain® demo and start growing your practice.